Service to the field
The following illustrates my commitment to the field of art and visual culture education and an exploration of the particular territories within it that I seek to explore and contribute to .
Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE), National Art Education Association (NAEA)
Coordinator of CSTAE (2017-2019). Established in 1982, CSTAE is an affiliate of the National Art Education Association that seeks to promote the use of theoretical concepts from the social sciences; to study visual culture and the teaching of art; to inform art educators about theory and practice in the social sciences, thus acting as a liaison between social scientists and art educators; to encourage research into the social context of visual culture and teaching art; and to develop socially relevant programs for use in teaching art
NAEA Women's Caucus (NAEAWC), National Art Education Association (NAEA)
Web-Coordinator, 2012-14. The NAEA Women’s Caucus exists to eradicate gender discrimination in all areas of art education, to support women art educators in their professional endeavors and to educate the general public about the contributions of women in the arts.
Serving on the review board on Art Education, journal of NAEA
Serving on the review board on the Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education (JCRAE)
Reviewing the Arts Based Research special interest group at the International Congress of Qualitative Research
Service on Review Boards (Editorial Service)
2024-Current. Review Board, Studies in Art Education
Fall & Winter 2016. Invited reviewer for Synnt/Origin: Finnish Studies in Art Education.
Fall 2016. Invited reviewer for a special Issue of the Journal of Visual Arts Research (VAR).
Spring 2016-current. Review Board Member of the Journal of Visual Arts Research (VAR).
Spring 2015-2021. Review Board Member of the Art Education Journal.
Spring 2015-current. Review Board Member of the Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (JSTAE).
Spring 2019-21. Past-Coordinator, Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE)
Spring 2017-19. Coordinator, Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE)
Spring 2015-17. Coordinator-Elect, Caucus of Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE)
Fall 2014. Invited Reviewer for Aalto University Publications, Finland
Summer 2014. Invited Reviewer for Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Spring 2014. Invited Reviewer for Muséologies Journal, Canada
2013-2017. Conference reviewer for Arts Based Research SIG, at International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI)